Archive for October, 2019
El Greco (1541-1614)
Thursday, October 17th, 2019“Après la gloire à Tolède, Greco a été oublié aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles par les historiens de l’art. A partir du milieu du XIXe siècle, quelques collectionneurs, puis des artistes, l’ont redécouvert. Au début du XXe siècle, de nombreux tableaux de Greco, conservés dans les établissements religieux de Tolède, ont été vendus à Paris, […]
Authority without dissent is tyranny and destruction.
Thursday, October 17th, 2019Authority without dissent is tyranny and destruction.
We’re All Alice
Thursday, October 3rd, 2019“The Hatter’s remark seemed to her to have no sort of meaning in it, and yet it was certainly English.â€Â Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1911, p.101) Words ought to have meaning. For the vast majority of us they do. Unfortunately, we have walked through the looking glass and confront a Mad Hatter. We’re all Alice […]
“To the Republic”
Tuesday, October 1st, 2019Political allegiance cuts to the heart of patriotism. In the Middle Ages, warriors owed their personal allegiance to their Lord. For warriors, allegiance was earned on the battle field. For everyone else, the Lord demanded allegiance at the point of a sword. Monarchs dressed up this crude reality with claims to Divine Right. In England, […]