Archive for October, 2021

Earth Race

Thursday, October 21st, 2021

You don’t have to listen long to hear what workers are saying about their lives.  Their hours are long. Their pay is stagnant. They want more time with their children. They live one healthcare emergency away from bankruptcy. Millionaires and billionaires, however, have never had it better.  They have the lowest tax rate since the […]

Don’t Bear False Witness

Thursday, October 14th, 2021

Justice requires the truth.  As Americans we require anyone testifying to do it under oath.  Oath breakers face penalties for perjury. The truth is no less important in other aspects of life.  Both Civil Law and the Bible made bearing false witness a crime.  Civil law calls it liable.  Psalm 6 calls bearing false witness […]

I’m Not Scared of Words

Tuesday, October 12th, 2021

Every time we turn around Fox News and the rest of the professional conservatives cry like babies about scary socialism.  It doesn’t take much education to know they haven’t a clue what socialism is.  They simply want to scare and paralyze American. In the early 1900s apartment and factory fires killed thousands.  As a society […]

No Self-Driving Car in Your Future

Tuesday, October 5th, 2021

OK, the headline here is certainly an attention getter. How can a company ignore overtly racist behavior? A federal jury in San Francisco has ordered Tesla to pay a former Black contractor $137 million over claims that he was subjected to racial discrimination at work. Owen Diaz, who worked as a contract elevator operator at […]