Archive for May, 2022
America–Home of the Brave
Thursday, May 19th, 2022On April 19, 1995 Timothy McVeigh attacked the United States of America. He murdered 168 Americans. Ten children were among the dead. At the time of his arrest, McVeigh had excerpts from the Turner Diaries in his car. This 1978 novel by William Luther Pierce depicts a coming race war. White supremacists attacked the United […]
It’s the Market Stupid
Wednesday, May 11th, 2022One year and 4 months after Donald Trump took occupancy of the White House, gas price averages rose from $2.46 to $2.99 per gallon. Two years later, in May 2020, the average price per gallon had fallen to $1.96. What causes these wild swings? What had Donald done in office? Nothing. Oil companies, not the […]
Freeing State Power
Wednesday, May 4th, 2022After the Second World War, the United States Supreme Court has been following a single star. Individual liberty is stronger than state power. Millions of Americans from all walks of life had risked their lives, and the nation honored their service with individual liberty. The new conservative Supreme Court is on the verge of empowering […]