January 25, 2015

Beaufort Cheese

By Glenn

The Savory region of France is world renowned for its “savory” cheese.  The mountainous  landscape provided few opportunities for cereal production but was ideal for dairy farming.

View from our apartment.

View from our apartment.

In Chamonix I bought a Beaufort (€ 17.75) at a local grocery store and used it to make a white wine cheese sauce.  It served as a side for pork chops and peas one night as well as sausages, zucchini and tomatoes another.  Later in the week I added slices of it to sandwiches.


Grated Beaufort

Melted Beaufort

Melted Beaufort with white wine and sauteed onions.

Pork Chop

Pork Sausage

It was ideal food for some causal hiking and incredible sites.

It was ideal food for some causal hiking and incredible sites.



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