Calm, Compassionate and Thoughtful
As I grew up, I was taught the qualities of a President. Presidents were calm, compassionate and thoughtful. Presidents lead by example. Presidents put the interest of the country above themselves. Presidents sought a United States of America.
Above all, President offered a vision for a better America. They wanted to part of the solution.
I don’t ever remember a President speaking recklessly every day. I don’t remember Presidents bragging about their immoral conduct. I don’t remember Presidents using the office to enrich themselves and their family. I don’t remember waking up every day to words of division and rancor.
I don’t remember Presidents sucking the hope out of America every day.
I am ready for a return to a calm, compassionate and thoughtful President. I am ready for a President who will lead by example. I am ready for a President who can bring the country together to work on American goals, not personal goals.
I heard that man speak. His name is Joe Biden. Biden wants to draw on the best of America.
Biden looked to the great builder of the American middle class: Frank Delano Roosevelt. Roosevelt took office after the disastrous Presidency of Herbert Hoover.
Fear and chaos once again have paralyzed the White House. We are not advancing. There are no plans for a better American. There is no vision to overcome this discord.
In fact just the opposite is coming from the current occupant of the Oval Office. Every day begins with name calling.  Every day starts with disparaging remarks against American medical professionals. Every day starts with false accusations against Foreign Service Officers.
I am ready for a return to calm, compassionate and thoughtful President.
American can look to its past and make itself better. That is the America I know and love.
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