Covid 19

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Relief and Recovery

Thursday, February 11th, 2021

Every day I walk my dog.  The daily pilgrimage started about ten years ago.  At the time empty lots lined the newly laid street.  Today it is a neighborhood with about 50 homes. I watched each one built over the years.  Not one builder started with the roof.  Each started with the foundation and proceeded […]

Truth Creates Unity

Thursday, January 21st, 2021

We all know to take the keys away from a drunk driver.  Drinking impairs decision making and judgment. In government, lies produce the same results.  Over 400,000 of our neighbors have died because of Covid 19 lies and political denial.  Will our democracy be next? On Jan. 22, 2020 a reporter asked Donald Trump whether […]

The Pretender

Thursday, December 10th, 2020

America has never had a pretender before.  Pretenders were regular features of European monarchies.  In monarchies the government, called the Crown, was the personal property of the king.  It passed from father to son or, rarely, to his daughter. In America, we have a Republic.  The term “republic” derives from the Latin phrase “res publica.” […]

Reality Wins

Thursday, November 19th, 2020

Reality does not depend upon your beliefs.  For example, gravity is a scientific theory.   If you drop an object on earth, it will fall unless acted upon by an outside force.  You don’t have to believe in gravity for it to work. Since January 2020, conservative politicians have been trying to speak Covid 19 away.  […]

America Is Moving Forward

Thursday, November 12th, 2020

America is moving forward.  We have some big problems to face, and name calling will not solve them.  Leadership requires correctly identifying real problems, developing solutions to those problems and then implanting the solutions. As all of us can see, Covid 19 did not magically disappear after the election.  In fact it is spreading at […]

Shut Down This Circus

Thursday, October 22nd, 2020

Like a Carnival Barker, Donald Trump is a master of exaggeration and misrepresentation.  It is a great quality for someone trying to sell a lie.  It is a horrible quality for a public servant. In the closing days of the campaign Donald is selling a whooper.  We’ve “rounded the corner” on Covid 19.  We may […]

Reckless Endangerment

Thursday, October 8th, 2020

Reckless behavior is shameful. Since February 7 Donald Trump knew that Covid 19 was a deadly airborne disease.  He knew it was a killer.  He played it down, and it has now killed more than 210,000 Americans. For the last eight months Donald has relentlessly mocked America’s doctors, scientists and anyone concerned about Covid 19.  […]

Healthcare Peril

Thursday, October 1st, 2020

If we learned anything over the last 7 months, it is that Donald Trump would make a horrible healthcare provider.  Imagine asking him if you had cancer.  Donald would lie to keep you from panicking.  Contrary to the fact that quick treatment could save your life.  Covid 19 has killed more than 200,000 Americans. Who […]

Donald's Deadly Lies

Thursday, September 17th, 2020

Donald’s chaos is producing predictable results.  Every day he stirs the pot.  His chaos makes it difficult to save American lives and jobs.  On February 7, 2020, Donald privately confessed the truth to Bob Woodward.  His confession was recorded for the entire world to hear. “It goes through air Bob. You know, the touch, you […]

Donald's Deception

Thursday, September 3rd, 2020

Teresa Horn from Tahlequah Oklahoma died on August 28.  Four days early she tested positive for Covid 19.  Four days before that she was teaching class.  She had taught Special Education for 26 years.   The Center for Disease Control reported this week a total of 183,000 deaths.  Teresa Horn’s death will add to that number.  […]

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