Great Britain
A Republic, Not A Monarchy
Thursday, September 15th, 2022The death of Queen Elizabeth II reminds me how lucky we are as Americans. We don’t have a monarchy. We have a Republic. The American Republic belongs to all the people, not a single person. Our Republic, however, owes much to the history of the English monarchy. American constitutional history often traces its origins back […]
An Actor Walked Away from a Character He Has Played Since Birth
Monday, January 20th, 2020For those having a hard time understanding the Kardashian 1.0 drama, AKA British Royal Family “divorceâ€, let me try. The Royal Family is a business, which owns property. A long time ago the property started as a simple estate in Normandy. To defend that estate the Duke had a private army. When the House next […]
US Needs Demand, Not Degulation
Monday, November 14th, 2011Theory meet fact. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that very few layoffs are caused principally by tougher rules. Whenever a firm lays off workers, the bureau asks executives the biggest reason for the job cuts. In 2010, 0.3 percent of the people who lost their jobs in layoffs were let go because […]