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Conservatism Is Expensive

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023

Fox News just agreed to pay $787.5 million for lying about Dominion voting machines.  Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton offered to use $3.3 million of tax dollars to settle a whistleblower case.  Donald Trump paid nearly $300,000 to cover up his extramarital affairs. It must be nice to have millions of dollars to pay for […]

Keep Your Nose

Thursday, January 19th, 2023

Old sayings are a good way to remind us not to do stupid things.  For example, I’ve often heard, “Don’t cut your nose off to spite your face.”  This phrase warns us against acts of self-harm.  We often act out of anger and end up hurting ourselves. For the last sixty years conservative politicians and […]

Build Back Better

Thursday, December 9th, 2021

President Joe Biden won the 2020 election by promising that America would Build Back Better.  Slowly, the Democratic Congress has been fulfilling that promise. A big step occurred last month.  Democrats crafted a bi-partisan infrastructure bill.  It included $110 billion for building, repairing, and replacing roads, bridges and bicycle paths. The infrastructure bill also included […]

Earth Race

Thursday, October 21st, 2021

You don’t have to listen long to hear what workers are saying about their lives.  Their hours are long. Their pay is stagnant. They want more time with their children. They live one healthcare emergency away from bankruptcy. Millionaires and billionaires, however, have never had it better.  They have the lowest tax rate since the […]

I’m Not Scared of Words

Tuesday, October 12th, 2021

Every time we turn around Fox News and the rest of the professional conservatives cry like babies about scary socialism.  It doesn’t take much education to know they haven’t a clue what socialism is.  They simply want to scare and paralyze American. In the early 1900s apartment and factory fires killed thousands.  As a society […]

Seeds of Sedition

Thursday, July 29th, 2021

The January 6 attack on American Democracy grew from seeds planted 40 years earlier.  In the 1980s conservative activists created incendiary rhetoric to attack our government.  Since the New Deal, conservatives had lost to a wave of progressive legislation.  The Federal Government improved the lives of seniors with Social Security and Medicare.  It improved the […]

Promote the General Welfare

Thursday, July 22nd, 2021

Taxes fund public services.  A vote is our voice for funding these services.  As a community, we decide on which services to fund or how they are funded.  We benefit from these services either directly or indirectly.  Direct benefits are pretty easy to understand.  If you have a child in a school, then you and […]

Opposite Day Shouldn’t Be Everyday

Thursday, May 13th, 2021

Every once in a while, when they were young, my boys would play “Opposite Day.”  It was game about saying one thing, but meaning another.  For example, if you want to someone to “stay,” you would say “go.”  If you wanted the TV “on,” you would ask someone to turn it “off.”  The game is […]

America Is Moving Forward

Thursday, November 12th, 2020

America is moving forward.  We have some big problems to face, and name calling will not solve them.  Leadership requires correctly identifying real problems, developing solutions to those problems and then implanting the solutions. As all of us can see, Covid 19 did not magically disappear after the election.  In fact it is spreading at […]

Proud American

Friday, October 30th, 2020

I am proud to live in America.   I am even prouder to live in Modern America.  Unlike the divine right monarchies and theocracies of the Bible, our constitution empowers people to create and improve a government. Unfortunately, the original intent of those early voters limited participation to white, male property owners.  They looked out for […]

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