Next Entries »Why Bear False Witness Against President Obama?
Thursday, June 2nd, 2016Why Bear False Witness Against President Obama? He’s not Kenyan or a communist. He is not a secret radical Jihadist. He didn’t take over the healthcare system. He didn’t raise your taxes. He didn’t increase the deficit. He didn’t give out free phones. He didn’t set up FEMA camps for white people. He didn’t go […]
Lincoln won the election of 1860
Tuesday, July 28th, 2015Why did the Slave states rebell? Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860. What upset them about losing the election? What did Lincoln say? We know he didn’t do anything as President because the slave states seceded BEFORE he was inaugurated? What did they fear? Read Lincoln’s own words from 1859. We must not disturb […]
Who Should Modern America Honor?
Monday, July 13th, 2015The debate over the Confederate flag has finally forced America to confront its past. In Louisiana “the mayor of New Orleans is proposing the most comprehensive plan yet to achieve lasting racial reconciliation in the wake of last month’s mass shooting in a South Carolina black church. Mitch Landrieu wants to dismantle a historic city […]
Robert Byrd and a History of Poltical Racism in America
Monday, August 6th, 2012“Byrd, who died in June 2010 at age 92, had sought the FBI intelligence while suspecting that communists and subversives were guiding the civil rights cause, the records show.” Now that a child of the Civil Rights movement is President and he is accused of the same thing. Weird how that works. Same lie. Different […]
Liberalism, Conservatism and the Future
Wednesday, February 1st, 2012At the end of the 19th century, Populist farmers pushed for the Federal government to rein in the abusive practices of banks and railroads. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Progressive movement actually convinced the Federal government to break up monopolies and protect consumers from unsafe food and drugs. During the Depression, FDR […]
Conservatism, Obama and Race
Wednesday, February 1st, 2012Is anti-Obama hatred driven by racism. Nope. Flashback to 1999. Every American has every right to fear President Clinton and his extreme leftist views, as he has proven that his beliefs lie in the direction of the Far-Left. However, if Bill Clinton were strictly and only just a Marxist, America would be under the heel […]
Perry Should Just Abandon Code Words
Saturday, November 19th, 2011“It reveals to me that he grew up in a privileged way,†he said. “He never had to really work for anything.” Come on Mr. Perry. Just get it done. Call President Obama the N-word and say he is the product of that easy welfare life. Just say it. Just say that as a black […]
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