Ronald Reagan
Next Entries »Generosity
Sunday, August 9th, 2020Matthew Chapter 20 starts with a parable about workers’ pay. An owner agrees to pay everyone a denarius at the start of the day. He then hires more workers periodically throughout the day, even when there was little daylight left. When it is time for the paycheck, the last hired were paid first. They received […]
Conservatism’s Great Betrayal
Monday, March 20th, 2017Rural America depends on Federal funding to supplement their budgets. Why? Because urban areas are more prosperous in the modern economy. Liberals recognized this fact during the New Deal and built programs to help. Ronald Reagan’s Conservative Revolution started tearing them down. Donald Trump is trying to finish the job. He is a con man. […]
Reagan Revolution: Redistributing Wealth Since 1980
Sunday, April 29th, 2012When the Reagan Revolution started dismantling the New Deal, it prioritized laws and regulations designed to protect workers and their income. Human history teachers that it’s easy to make a few people wealthy. It’s much harder to build a middle class society. Liberals did just that after WWII. Now the Middle Class is being crushed […]
The Rise of the DestructoCons (Part II of Reagan’s Big Lie)
Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011There is a traditional German saying that warns the foolish not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. A wise person realizes the value of preservation and change. Since the French Revolutionaries first took their seats in the National Assembly, politicians have divided themselves along this axis. One party favored preservation, while the other […]
A Brief History of Fiscal Responsibility
Wednesday, August 31st, 2011While crisis economics requires government spending to lessen the damage done to average Americans, sound fiscal policy requires several long-term strategies. Over the last thirty years, Washington policy makers, like American businessmen, have put short-term, temporary gains ahead of long-term, sustainable progress. Solving our problems requires a clear understanding of America’s fiscal history. Liberalism solved […]
Exposing Reagan’s Big Lie
Wednesday, August 17th, 2011Several years ago, a former neighbor, Joe Abraham had an idea. He wanted history taught backwards. Instead of starting with past events and coming to the present, he suggested starting with current events and working backwards. As a professional historian, this method just didn’t feel right. My training at USL and LSU had always focused […]
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