Social Security
« Previous Entries Next Entries »Opposite Day Shouldn’t Be Everyday
Thursday, May 13th, 2021Every once in a while, when they were young, my boys would play “Opposite Day” It was game about saying one thing, but meaning another. For example, if you want to someone to “stay,” you would say “go.” If you wanted the TV “on,” you would ask someone to turn it “off.” The game is […]
Progressive America
Thursday, March 4th, 2021I am proud to live in Modern America. America is a progressive country. Our democracy allows us to create laws to improve our lives. Over the past 230 years much has changed for the better. The progress has been slow but steady. In the 1820s white laborers won the right to vote. In the 1870s […]
Proud American
Friday, October 30th, 2020I am proud to live in America.  I am even prouder to live in Modern America. Unlike the divine right monarchies and theocracies of the Bible, our constitution empowers people to create and improve a government. Unfortunately, the original intent of those early voters limited participation to white, male property owners. They looked out for […]
Socialist Ghosts
Saturday, October 10th, 2020Clever politicians have turned socialism into a frightening ghost. It has replaced terrorism as the catchall phrase. Should we get our pitch forks and kill this really scary monster? Maybe, but be careful what you kill. You might just kill a friend. Socialism simply means public ownership of property. No more. No less. Governments turned […]
1933, 1954, 2020 SCOTUS
Thursday, September 24th, 20201954 was a pivotal year in the history of the United States. Since 1933, a coalition of representatives from Northern cities and rural Southern states had worked to improve the lives of average Americans. Franklin Delano Roosevelt built that coalition. The fruits of the coalition were collectively known as the New Deal, or the welfare […]
Donald Defunds Social Security
Thursday, August 13th, 2020Donald Trump issued an Executive order defunding Social Security of the next 4 months. In 1936 President Franklyn D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law. It was the first permanent piece of social welfare legislation. It has stabilized the lives of our seniors ever since. The Social Security Administration, an agency of the […]
Defend Security, Medicare, and our Public schools.
Monday, February 24th, 2020Make no mistake, the real targets of the “socialist” scare word are Social Security, Medicare, and our public schools. If these are privatized, billions more dollars will flow to the top 1% rather than into needed services. Stop the scam. If you receive a pay check from a local school board, a city, tribe a […]
Home of the Brave
Saturday, February 22nd, 2020“People who have opportunity to work and earn, and who have an assured income in their old age, are free. They are free of the fear of poverty. They are free of public or private charity. They can live happier, more useful lives. That’s real freedom. And that is something we should be proud of-that’s […]
Poverty is no Mystery
Monday, December 10th, 2018High poverty states/countries all try to tax the poor instead of the wealthy. The wealthy come up with a variety of excuses to avoid their responsibly to society. The results have been the same for the last 4000 years of civilization. The only way to create a middle class society is to remove the burdens […]
Monkey Cage: Makers vs Takers
Friday, January 5th, 2018I always need this explanation of government benefits. Conservatives constantly lie about who gets help. We, the government of the United States of America, help the least among us.   There simply isn’t a large percentage of people taking advantage of the system. Of the 24.7% of Americans who did not work and received government benefits […]
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