Ronda, Spain 2019
The day started off well in Nerja. We woke, having packed the night before, and walked to the bus stop. We had an hour and enjoyed a coffee and croissant in the same park we ate our first lunch. The bus ride along the coast was picturesque. Arriving in Malaga we made a seem less transition from bus to car.
The rental agent convinced me to upgrade the car. I had ordered a small one. She wanted me to have an Audi with a nice price tag. I declined but accepted a Nissan with GPS. After our early drive, we decided GPS, rather than google maps alone, was the way to go. I had imagined a Nissan sedan, but no, it was about as big as a Ford Explorer. Ugggghh, but onward.
Once in Ronda, the fun began. The new city had a series of one way streets. We quickly found ourselves going away from the old town. I pulled into a parking lot to get oriented. After sorting out a new route, I discovered that I didn’t know how to put it into reverse. It was a 6 speed with the reverse on the left rather than the right. Nothing I could do would put it into reverse. Luckily, Jackie knows “google” is your friend. We were moving again.

This time we navigated correctly toward our apartment overlooking the valley. We even crossed the New Bridge. It was mass confusion with cars, scooters and pedestrians all sharing the same space. Jackie was diligently trying to navigate and said turn here. Ahhh, no. I had to go forward. I found a spot to turn around, using my newly learned reverse feature and put us right next to the apartment. I was exhausted.
We enjoyed our sandwiches with the best view in the city.

After getting settled, headed away from the crowds and down to the Arabian Baths. Besides it partial reconstruction, it had a good video explaining how the baths functioned.
On the way back up, we saw the Muslim bridge, the Old Bridge and the New Bridge. At the top the TI agent told us about our grocery options. In the Carrefour Express we found enough for our two nights in Ronda.
First up: ratatouille.
After dinner we watched France crush South Korea in the first have of the World Cup opener. At Mitemp we walked to see the New Bridge at night. It was impressive. Returning to the apartment, we finished the World Cup match and slept soundly.
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